Friday, November 9, 2007

The Voyage Out by Virginia Woolf

The shooting motor cars, more like spiders in the moon than terrestrial object,...

...and when you said something to her it would make no more lasting impression than the stroke of a stick upon water.

The table was cheerful with apples...

The sea might give her death or some unexampled joy, and none would know of it.

...the argument was spilt irretrievably about the place like a bucket of milk.

...lying unprotected she looked somehow like a victim dropped from the claws of a bird of prey,...

"There would never be a government if there weren't an opposition."

...the bubles which swam and clustered in the cup seemed to her like the union of their minds.

"I always think religion's like collecting beetles."

Children never forget injustice.

"It's the way of saying things, isn't it, not the things?"

Darkness fell as sharply as a knife in this climate...

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